Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Step 2: Write, write, and (oh yea) write!

I  was into deep thought and realized, everyone is always trying to improve their lives and trying to find meaning to life (Their purpose). So these words, and my recent posts could relate to you even though you have or have not graduated. We all have our own journeys, but may experience the same type of emotions, so we can all relate.

That being said; I have been reflecting and my next step is to write! Write everything down, what you dislike, like, what brings you joy, what is the environment you find most helpful and happy. Write everything down until you have at least a page worth of things you thought were important. Write as they come to you, do not feel pressured to do it at once! (ha)

Then after you have written everything, take a chance, glance and ask yourself, what lifestyle do these things parallel with? What can you embrace in a career path? Acknowledgement is key, having an awareness of the things that would give you great discomfort or pleasure would bring you one step closer to what to explore.

I am going to take my own advice (ha) and start writing those things I love, hate, like, etc. Then I think that next step would be to explore a bit and do some research. I will keep you all up to date on how that will go, til then we are a step closer to fulfillment and a step closer to that 'purpose'.

“Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it” 
― Gautama Buddha

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Step 1: Joy in solitude

My mind has been running with different ideas to get inspired and do something new, following up on the "trying to find myself" last post. I thought the first thing was to write one personal goal;
  • To find the joy in solitude.
    • This is very important!
First-step: I have been noticing that ever since I have been back home, I have not been able to see my dearest friends as I had when I lived off-campus. I miss my friends. After thinking and browsing websites (like the one posted on my last blog post) I have decided; time spent alone is...  not a bad thing, its necessary. 
  • Lonely, the feeling of disparity between you and the rest of the world (lol) Everyone feels it sometimes yet when you are experiencing the emotion yourself, you feel as if no one could understand! You against the world.
The key: Finding the joy in solitude makes you aware of the things. (Things you have done, want to do, dislike, etc.) As I embark this journey of "adulthood" (ha) I will try to disregard the cold emotion "Lonely" and embrace it with "joy" [when I have a day that I am off from work and have no plans]. Go to the beach, go watch a movie, take a walk, ALONE! (Ha that sounds a bit crazy, maybe a bit extreme). Nonetheless, the bond between you and yourself is important because then you become comfortable under your own skin, and if you ask me, that is one step closer to finding yourself and finding those things you may want to do to create (big or small) change. 

Think positive and you can view the world differently. With this I leave you with a quote that sums everything up well... 
“Guard well your spare moments. They are like uncut diamonds. Discard them and their value will never be known. Improve them and they will become the brightest gems in a useful life.” 
― Ralph Waldo Emerson